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  • About the Company
    About the Company

    ОАО «MAXAM-CHIRCHIQ» создано на базе одного из Первых азотных заводов страны.

  • Product

    ОАО «MAXAM-CHIRCHIQ» создано на базе одного из Первых азотных заводов страны.

  • Certifications

    CI auditors recommended to issue international certificates ISO 9001:2015, ISO 50001:2018 to MAXAM-CHIRCHIQ JSC

Main production

  • Technical Magnesium Sulphate

    Mineral fertilizers
    ГОСТ Ts 00203068-30:2015 Код ТН ВЭД 283 321 0000

    Commercial-grade magnesium sulphate is a magnesium fertilizer containing about 9% of magnesium. It is soluble in water, does not become cake, well seeded. Magnesium stimulates the phosphorus entry from soil and assimilation by plants. Magnesium deficiency in the soil causes plants marbling of leaf, chlorosis plants. In such cases use the magnesium fertilizers.

    Main category: Mineral fertilizers
  • Potassium Sulphate

    Mineral fertilizers
    ГОСТ Ts 00203068-48:2016 Код ТН ВЭД 310 430 0000

    Potassium sulphate is a highly strong potassium fertilizer with minimum potassium content 48%. It is used for agriculture and retail sale as fertilizer.
    Used for all crops in any soils, especially effective on light sandy soils under sensitive to chlorine crop. Fertilizer improves the taste of potatoes, fruits and vegetables, increases stability of plant to blasts and diseases, and also increases winter resistance of fruit trees.

    Main category: Mineral fertilizers
  • Multipurpose nutrient solution on the basis of (UAN)

    Mineral fertilizers
    ГОСТ Ts 00203068-01:2013 Код ТН ВЭД 3102 90 0000

    Multipurpose nutrient solution (MNS) is liquid complex fertilizer on the basis of UAN-nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium intended as mineral fertilizer in agriculture. The main raw material for MNS UAN-PHP is UAN, ammophos and potash chloride.

    Main category: Mineral fertilizers
  • Multipurpose nutrient solution on the basis of ammonium nitrate solution

    Mineral fertilizers
    ГОСТ Ts 00203068-02:2013 Код ТН ВЭД 3102 90 0000

    Multipurpose nutrient solution (MNS) is liquid complex fertilizers on the basis of ammonium nitrate solution containing of nitrogen-potassium, nitrogen-phosphorus, and nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizers intended as fertilizers in agriculture and retail sale.

    Main category: Mineral fertilizers
  • Liquid Urea -Ammonium mixture (UAN)

    Mineral fertilizers
    ГОСТ TSh 6.3-82:2006 Код ТН ВЭД 310 280 0000

    Liquid nitrogen fertilizers (UAN) are a nitrogen fertilizer, which contains of urea and ammonium nitrate in liquid state. UAN is designed for use as mineral fertilizer in agriculture.
    Using UAN in agriculture has advantages over solid fertilizers. They are having free-flow characteristics, not raise dust and not become cake. Wet weather and even the rain don’t have a negative impact on them.

    Main category: Mineral fertilizers
  • Ammonium Sulphate

    Mineral fertilizers
    ГОСТ GOST 9097-82 Код ТН ВЭД 310 221 0000

    Ammonium sulphate fertilizer contains 21% of nitrogen in ammonium and not more than 24% of sulfur in sulphate-ions available for plant nutrition. It is weakly hygroscopic, less become caked, well dispersed and quickly dissolved in water, not spread in the air and  hold the friability. By physical configuration of ammonium sulphate is a white or light-colored color crystalline powder, allowed light yellow and pink tone. It is also used for feeding. It can be applied not only in spring, but in autumn too, because nitrogen of ammonium sulphate is weakly washed away from soil and well assimilated by plants.

    Main category: Mineral fertilizers




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