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Ammonium Sulphate

Ammonium Sulphate


GOST 9097-82 (CN of FEA code 310 221 0000)

Ammonium sulphate fertilizer contains 21% of nitrogen in ammonium and not more than 24% of sulfur in sulphate-ions available for plant nutrition. It is weakly hygroscopic, less become caked, well dispersed and quickly dissolved in water, not spread in the air and hold the friability. By physical configuration of ammonium sulphate is a white or light-colored color crystalline powder, allowed light yellow and pink tone. It is also used for feeding. It can be applied not only in spring, but in autumn too, because nitrogen of ammonium sulphate is weakly washed away from soil and well assimilated by plants.


Nitrogen is a substance that plays an important role in plant metabolism, and is also a part of organic nitrogen compounds, proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids, chlorophylls, alkaloids, many types of vitamins and other substances.

Plants in the period of rapid growth and the formation of concentrated vegetative organs (horns and leaves) absorbs and assimilates large amounts of nitrogen.

Effect on plants. The nitrogen supply determines the growth process, the volume and intensity of protein synthesis and other nitrogenous organic compounds in the plant. Nitrogen deficiency especially affects the growth of vegetative organs. The photosynthetic apparatus is a weak development of the leaf and horn as a result of nitrogen deficiency, which in turn restricts the formation of productive organs and leads to a decrease in yield and a decrease in the amount of protein in the product.

Lack of nitrogen. Main symptoms: impaired growth of vegetative organs as a result of impaired formation of chlorophyll and the formation of light green or yellowish-green leaves.

Abundance of nitrogen. Excessive nitrogen supply leads to an increase in vegetative mass, a decrease in yield and a deterioration in quality. Reducing the sugar content in sugar beets leads to an increase in "harmful" nitrogen in the sugar production process, a decrease in the starch content in potatoes, and the accumulation of nitrates in vegetables and melons that are harmful to humans and animals.


Sulfur plays an important role in plant life. The main part of it is contained in plant proteins: amino acids and organic compounds-enzymes, vitamins, and fats. Sulfur is involved in the metabolism of nitrogen and carbohydrates in plants, respiration, and fat synthesis.

From the point of view of physiological importance to plants, sulfur may take the third place after nitrogen and phosphorus. According to a number of Russian and foreign scientists, the most frequent sulfur deficiency in grain products is perceived by producers as a nitrogen deficiency.

Sulfur has a positive effect on product quality-it increases the percentage of gluten in wheat, increases the amount of fat in sunflower and soybeans.

Lack of sulfur. The growth and development of plants is disrupted, and small pale-yellow leaves are formed on long branches. Experiments on wheat show that the lack of sulfur during the growing season leads to a decrease in photosynthesis, yield and grain quality.

In excess of sulfur, the leaves turn yellow at the edges and get tangled inside, and then turn a darker color and do not develop.



Physical configuration

white or colorless crystals

Mass fraction of nitrogen in terms of dry substance , %, no less than


Mass fraction of water, %, no more than:

- granular

- crystalline



Mass fraction of free sulfur , %, no more than:

- granular

- crystalline



Granulometric composition:

for granular:

- 1-4 mm, %, no less than

for crystalline:

- more than 0,5 mm, %, no less than

- sieve residue 6 mm



not available

Friability, %, no less than


Safety Requirements: ammonium sulphate – noncombustible substance.

Packaging: in polypropylene sacks of 25, 40 and 50±1 kg.

Transportation: in bulk mass and packed.

Storage: inside dry and clean storehouse, protected from moisture.

Guarantee term of storage: 6 months from the date of manufacturing. For retail trade the guarantee term of storage - 12 months since the date of manufacturing. Expiration date of agrochemical is not limited. 

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